TAKE ACTION: A Call to a Global Movement for Rivers and People


The official discourse of the hydropower industry claims that dams provide well-being and progress. But for the peoples and communities who depend on rivers for food, income, clean water, recreation, and cultural values, this is an empty promise. Instead, they suffer the destruction of ecosystems and forms of food production and may be forced into displacement.Because power plants require large partnerships to occur, governments and companies promote them as “clean,” “green,” and “sustainable” energy in an effort to secure funding and approval. The companies routinely deny their destructive impact through inadequate environmental studies, and their approval is facilitated by a technical bureaucracy that often collaborates with their interests.To strengthen the image of this industry, the International Hydropower Association (IHA) has organized the International Hydropower Congress, September 7-24, 2021, in Costa Rica, a country that has been put in the world spotlight as an example of success in clean and sustainable energy. 

As a response to the IHA Congress, Costa Rican organizations, in coordination with environmental and socio-environmental movements from all continents, have organized the GLOBAL MOVEMENT FOR RIVERS AND PEOPLE, with the objective of creating an alternative space for discussion and mobilization in defense of the rivers and peoples of the planetWe want your help and support to create a narrative that counterpowers the idea of hydroelectric power as sustainable energy. 

So, we ask you to send us a text, video or audio explaining the consequences of hydroelectric dams on your territory. You can talk about issues such as destruction of biodiversity, threats to human rights, as well as what movements have taken place in your territories to stop these projects. 

Here are some instructions for the video, text, and audio. 

● Texts should not exceed 750 words.

●  Audios and videos should not exceed 3 minutes (you can submit several). These will be used for podcasts and radio production, to be published by REDLAR media, “El Chapuzón”/Costa Rica, and in all social networks and social movement channels in each country. 

●  We ask you that the very sending of the materials be your authorization to use them in our communication. 

● If you cannot make a video, a photo is an option. Take a picture in front of your river or hydroelectric plant with a piece of paper saying: Hydroelectric plants are a sustainable source of energy.

Sound quality: record in places without noise (rain, wind, cars, people, etc). Do not record in very closed spaces (such as bathrooms). Keep the phone 10 cm from your mouth. 

Video quality: natural light is preferred, as well as avoiding dark environments. Take care with sound as with audio. Place the phone in a horizontal position 1 meter away from the person speaking. If possible, record near the river or theSend your material to: submission@internationalrivers.org / +55 11 972906686 (Cecilia Garcia, International Rivers)Read the complete invitation (Available in PortugueseEnglish and Spanish)

Thank you very much, 

FECON-Costa Rica Team, REDLAR, Otros Mundos-Mexico, International Rivers and AIDA.