Rights and the environment

The exercise of human rights helps to protect the environment, and a healthy environment helps to ensure the full enjoyment of human rights.

– Prof. John Knox

Certified 1
Certified 2

UN Special Rapporteur

Former UN Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment David R. Boyd after adoption of HRC resolution 48/13 recognizing the right to a healthy environment, 8 October 2021;

Photo by David R. Boyd on Twitter. @SREnvironment

Know your

Use our online tool to read more about your human rights and their relationship with a clean, safe and healthy environment.

Claim your

Read about the human rights mechanisms that can help you claim your rights.

The promotion and protection of universal human rights is one of the three pillars of the work of the United Nations. By definition therefore, the UN has a responsibility to support the work of EHRDs, and to help protect them from harm.

Human Rights Council’s Special Procedures mechanism UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies Universal Periodic Review Multilateral Instruments / Agreements Compliance Mechanisms