Gender-Based Violence in a Changing Climate: Challenges and action – from grassroots to policy


What does gender-based violence have to do with tackling climate change - or vice versa? Join IUCN, USAID, and a wide range of experts and leaders from across disciplines to discuss these critical linkages, exploring policy frameworks, leveraging lessons and resources across sectors, and strategies for on-the-ground action to realize rights and resilience, together. An […]

West African Human Rights Defender Conference

Human Rights Defenders, especially Frontline Grassroots Environmental, Land, and Human Rights Defenders in West Africa, face challenging and threatening situations that make the work they do very difficult. Given the enormous barriers and risks they face in their work, there is an urgent need to understand better who these Frontline Grassroots Defenders are, what strategies […]

Just Recovery Gathering

People around the world are coming together to collectively reimagine our future. Join us. Now is the time for the climate movement to reconnect! The Global Just Recovery Gathering is a three-day online event featuring interactive workshops, cultural sessions, and hands-on trainings. Build your skills, strengthen relationships, and hear from a powerful line-up of climate leaders, artists, […]

Webinar- Filling the gaps in protecting human rights in a diverse rural world

Those who live living in the country-side are diverse. Their identities are dynamic and fluid. They face similar systemic challenges for the realization of their human rights, and yet crucial challenges remain specific to certain groups. International human rights law has made progress in acknowledging this diversity by recognizing the rights of specific groups in […]

The Indigenous Navigator – Charting pathways to realize SDG 16 with indigenous peoples

Around the globe, conflict, insecurity, weak institutions and limited access to justice remain great threats to sustainable development. Indigenous Navigator data shows that this is also the case for indigenous peoples. Indigenous peoples, and indigenous women and girls in particular, face intersecting forms of discrimination shaping specific forms of violence and exclusion experienced by them. […]

Defending the Defenders: Environmental Advocates in Southeast Asia in Focus

The webinar aims to discuss the challenges and ways forward for the protection of the rights of environmental defenders. Speakers: - Dr Georgie Lloyd, Regional Coordinator (Asia and the Pacific) of Environmental Law and Governance, United Nations Environment Programme - Dr. Fran Lambrick, Co-Founder, NOT1MORE - Lia Alonzo, Secretariat, Asia Pacific Network of Environmental Defenders […]

Side Event: Indigenous Peoples, Human Rights, and Security Situation in Asia

At present, many Asian States are taking advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic to further repress civil liberties, intensify attacks against indigenous peoples, and worsen development aggression. Across Asia, there is a growing trend of criminalization and political persecution against Indigenous Peoples Human Rights Defenders (IPHRDs) and indigenous organizations that remain relentless in their struggle to […]

Webinar – small-scale fishers and ocean well-being: vital partners in enhancing biocultural diversity, human rights and sustainable livelihoods

The One Ocean Hub is one of the Friends of United Nations World Oceans Day. This year’s theme, ‘The Ocean: Life and Livelihoods’, will shed light on the wonder of the ocean and how it is our lifesource, supporting humanity and every other organism on earth.The One Ocean Hub-led webinar 'Small-scale fishers and ocean well-being : vital […]

Online Event: UN Special Rapporteur Clement Voule launches his latest report: “Access to Justice as an Integral Element of the Protection of the Right to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly.”

In addition to remarks from the Special Rapporteur, the event will feature lawyers and activists from Belarus, Colombia, Nigeria, and the United States. It is co-hosted by ABA, Global Network of Movement Lawyers, ICJ, INCLO, IBAHRI, Lawyers for Lawyers, and RFK Human Rights. Link below for registration details. The event will be held in English with […]