Inspiring stories

Around the world, those who defend the environment and the human rights that depend on it face all kinds of obstacles, challenges and threats. Overcoming adversity, they have been working to change the lives of many.

Pedro Uc Be

Pedro Uc Be

Pedro Uc Be is a Mayan land rights defender, writer, translator, teacher, and promoter of Mayan culture and the protector of its land. (...)  

Country: Mexico

Virunga´s Rangers

Virunga´s Rangers

Virunga National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage site in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Situated in a region which has been deeply impacted by the effects of war and armed conflict for over 20 years, Virunga is protected by the more ...

Country: Democratic Republic of Congo

Marañón River Keepers

Marañón River Keepers

'Defensores Ambientales del Río Marañón': The Marañón River is one of the most important water sources in Peru and a key Amazon tributary. In late April 2011, former Peruvian President Alan Garcia declared that the construction of 20 dams on ...

Country: Peru

Omot Agwa Okwoy

Omot Agwa Okwoy

Omot Agwa Okwoy is a church leader in Ethiopia’s Gambela region and a human rights defender who works to promote the rights of indigenous peoples and people living in the Gambela region. (...)

Country: Ethiopia

Gonawindúa Tayrona Organization – OGT

Gonawindúa Tayrona Organization – OGT

'The Black Line': OGT  is an indigenous organization gathering different indigenous communities living in a shared territory in the 'Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta', Colombia. It represents the Kogui, Arahuaco, Wiwa, Malayo, and Kankuamo ...

Country: Colombia

Titus Onesmus

Titus Onesmus

Titus Onesmus is a climate change activist from Tanzania dedicated to advocate for renewable energy adoption. (...)

Country: Tanzania

The Maori Tribe

The Maori Tribe

Sacred Rainforest - Te Urewera is one of the most isolated and largest rainforests in New Zealand. (...)

Country: New Zealand

Alberto Curamil: Mapuche Leader

Alberto Curamil: Mapuche Leader

The Mapuche people comprise the largest indigenous group in Chile. In their native language, Mapuche means 'people of the land', and they consider forests, rivers, and animals as their brothers. (...)  

Country: Chile

Stella Gama

Stella Gama

Stella Gama is a climate diplomat and gender advocate at the UN Climate talks. She helped create a gender action plan as part of the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change). (...)  

Country: Malawi

Samson Mokoena – VEJA

Samson Mokoena – VEJA

Methane bubbles popping on the river's surface, sewage clogged pipes, and the smell of faeces lingering in the air. These scenes are everyday realities for residents of Emfuleni - a municipality southwest of Johannesburg, South Africa - as the ...

Country: South Africa

Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim

Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim

Ms. Ibrahim is an expert in indigenous peoples’ adaptation to climate change, traditional ecological knowledge, and climate change mitigation strategies. She is Co-Chair of the International Indigenous Peoples Forum on Climate Change. (...)

Country: Chad

Mariano Marcos Tenera

Mariano Marcos Tenera

Mariano Marcos Terena, is the son of the Xane’ Pueblo, from the region of Aguas del Pantanal, between Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay. A Brazilian national born in 1954 he is a Xane’ leader who has devoted his life to working and organizing for ...

Country: Brazil